This is the website page for the intelligent multi-sensing research group (iMUSE, where 'MUSE' means 'Inspiration'). We are a research group of young researchers dedicated to solving real-world problems, benefitting the people and the community, and broadening the knowledge edge of computer vision, graphics, and artificial intelligence algorithms & systems (in Chinese: “立足真实问题,服务社群大众,拓宽知识边界”). Currently, we focus on 3D vision, 3D reconstruction, 3D scene understanding, crowd analysis and simulation, etc.
[1] Qi Zhang, Yunfei Gong, Daijie Chen, Antoni B. Chan, and Hui Huang*. Multi-view People Detection in Large Scenes via Supervised View-wise Contribution Weighting. AAAI 2024.
[2] Qi Zhang, Kaiyi Zhang, Antoni B. Chan, and Hui Huang*. Mahalanobis Distance-based Multi-view Optimal Transport for Multi-view Crowd Localization. ECCV 2024.
[3] Qi Zhang, Zhouhang Luo, Tao Yu, and Hui Huang*. View Transformation Robustness for Multi-View 3D Object Reconstruction with Reconstruction Error-Guided View Selection. To appear in AAAI 2025. [Project]